Like you’ve never left the office…



The New Normal- Remote Work

With the unexpected Global COVID-19 pandemic, many industries had to quickly reorganize and revisit sustainable options for business continuity, while eliminating health risks. Obviously, IT professionals were able to mitigate this challenge by exploiting the privilege of working remotely from wherever they wished.

Despite being very convenient for employees, businesses have started discussing whether it is time to return to the office. Regardless of the increased productivity at home, companies are more interested in returning their associates to highly- costly offices due to security reasons.

To avoid security breaches, forward-looking executives have actually found the golden middle ground to keep their employees happy, while providing a secure remote work environment.

Cloud Storage Benefits for Remote Work

Let us observe some of the top benefits of cloud storage that support remote work:

  1. Better Accessibility and Visibility to others
    Access important files and always stay updated with the progress of the entire team’s documents and task completion. File management and easy organization by specific dates and types. Remote access on demand to any file is a top privilege.
  2. Enhanced Collaboration
    Convenient cross-team operations with customized shareable documents. Improved reporting and statistics to streamline the team’s workflow for success.
  3. Effortless Data Recovery
    Recover any accidentally deleted or overwritten files. Take advantage of Version- control features to recover lost files or revert back to a previous version. Ensure that the whole team is back on track in no time!
  4. Advanced File Security
    Employers can sleep in peace, knowing that their company’s confidentiality and privacy are guaranteed. We suggest using only recommended leading cloud services that offer unbreakable Encryption. Check our previous posts in the “pCloud For Work” Category.
  5. Cost-effective and Reliable
    Managing an entire team is not an easy task. Empowering them with third0 party technology could be costly. But losing precious data could actually cost more: time, and money, and create a significant backlog of tasks that need to be redone. Professional cloud storage services offer very cost-effective subscription-based models. pCloud, on the other hand, pioneered the Lifetime plan. It is a one-time flat fee which then guarantees access to the service for 99 years without any recurring payment.

Since you’ve made it so far, it looks like you’re enjoying staying at home, seeing your kids grow, and working your dream job! If your employer pushes you back to the office due to any of the mentioned reasons- hurry up and let them know how amazing cloud storage services like pCloud are!