Top 3: Liebe-Filme

Die Community hat sich entschieden und eine Liste der TOP 3 Filme erstellt!  Es gibt einen Grund, warum Valentinstag-Filme jedes Jahr wiederkehren – weil man den Klassikern einfach nicht widerstehen kann. Egal, wie Ihr Liebesleben in diesem Jahr aussieht, die Chancen stehen gut, dass Sie einen Film finden, der Ihnen gefällt. Die Realität sieht so …

It’s our birthday! pCloud is celebrating 8 years 🎂

Eight years ago, pCloud officially opened its doors to the world. We want to thank you for trusting us with your data and for your support along the way. The feedback and positive attitude that you have given us over the years have made pCloud one of the fastest-growing companies in the industry. How did …

87% of UK consumers believe their devices are being listened to without permission

  87% of UK consumers believe their devices are being listened to without permission, and half don’t know how to op-out of data sharing. The majority (67%) fear that big tech firms know their location, and 53% have turned off data sharing because they fear big tech companies are spying on them. The overwhelming majority …

pCloud Audio Player for Android v3.0.0

At the end of December, the Google Play Music mobile apps officially stopped working worldwide and all users have to transfer their music library to a different app. With the pCloud integrated audio player, you can listen to your favorite music directly from the cloud, literally everywhere you go — at the gym, on a walk, on …