5 façons de gérer des photos et des vidéos dans pCloud

Connaître chaque fonction pCloud, c’est comme maîtriser un cours de yoga. Cela prend du temps, mais cela en vaut vraiment la peine. Vous pouvez toujours trouver quelque chose de bien dans pCloud qui peut vous aider à être productif tout au long de la journée. C’est la raison pour laquelle je voudrais vous présenter quelques-uns …

5 Möglichkeiten zum Verwalten von Fotos und Videos in pCloud

Jedes pCloud-Feature zu kennen, ist wie eine Yoga-Stunde zu meistern. Es braucht Zeit, aber es lohnt sich am Ende. In pCloud finden Sie immer etwas Cooles, mit dem Sie den ganzen Tag über produktiv arbeiten können. Deshalb möchte ich Ihnen einige der etwas weniger bekannten Funktionen von pCloud vorstellen. Ich bin mir sicher, dass Sie …

Getting started with pCloud Crypto for Business

Congratulations on setting up the new Crypto folder for your Business account! Keeping your team organized and your files secure will help you stay focused and productive. Getting started with the Crypto folder: To get started, here are a few things you need to know about pCloud Crypto for your business: Take the Crypto folder …

Quickly find any file in pCloud with Full-Text search

We’re excited to announce that you can now find what you need faster with Full-Text Search in pCloud. As part of a team, you’re fighting a different battle every day, trying to finish as many tasks as possible, or achieve your company’s goals. Most times, this includes working on more than one project at a …

Just launched: New and improved Download link branding

All new! Even better! Introducing Branding 2.0 It’s even easier to make the Download links you share, your own. We’ve been staying indoors working on this release for the past month — so, we hope you’ll love it!  #1 It’s even easier to personalize your Download link We’ve been working with our active community for …

Show your creations in the best light with Branded links

Branding is the impression you leave on your audience after they see your work. It only takes 7 seconds to make a strong first impression, so you might as well make it count, right? Whether you’re an aspiring web designer, a wedding photographer or a freelance music producer, your personal brand plays a vital role …

How to fire your muse – 7 practical tips to boost creativity

We are all creators- in one way or another, but we have somehow forgotten that. Of course some of us are born with aptitudes for computers or science, others with good physical skills, and others with a sense of art or design, but we all have this inner creativity buried deep inside. In terms of …

New Milestone: 1,000,000 Android users have used pCloud

We don’t mean to brag, but we’ve had a great start of the week! We just found out that the pCloud app for Android has been downloaded more than 1 million times. We tend to forget how huge of a number 1 million is: 1 million is nearly 1/5th the population of Denmark There’s roughly …