How to Integrate Cloud Services with Existing Systems

  Just because your business is adopting solutions does not mean that it has to completely change its infrastructure. There are numerous things a business stands to gain by integrating the existing infrastructure with the cloud solutions it adapts. Even so, integrating systems is tough. It requires vigilance, care, and keenness to details. This storage …

Your Download link stats – Everything you need to know

You shared your CV and portfolio to the HR manager of that company you really want to get into. You sent over some design materials you finished  yesterday evening and you want to know if your client has already seen them. You’ve shared your new mixtape with your audience and you’re wondering how’s that working …

pCloud Rewind – the perfect way to recover great content

No matter how organized you are, you know the pain of accidentally deleting an important file or losing a great idea, just because you reworked it so many times. It’s frustrating. It can also cost you a lot more than just a few sleepless nights and a headache. Keeping a clear track of your file …

VPN vs. Cloud

What is a VPN VPN stands for “Virtual Private Network”, which extends across a public network. Let’s say you want to access something on your computer using the Wi-Fi at the nearest coffee shop. Even a three-year-old would know that’s not a good idea – mostly because public hotspots are vulnerable, and that applies to …

FTP vs. Cloud

  While FTP is generally an outdated concept, many companies are still using it rather than migrating to cloud technologies. In this article, we compare the two and determine the clear edge that cloud computing has to local servers.   What is a Cloud? Cloud or cloud computing is a general term for a variety …

Cloud Storage for Your Business 101

  You want to take the аdvantage from the cloud storage everyone is talking about, but you don’t know where to start?   No worries – continue reading and get Master’s degree in Cloud in just a few minutes.   Why does your business need a cloud storage solution? The most obvious answer: to store …

Cloud Services: Now a Standard for Businesses

Cloud storage, whether it is in the public or private space, is a major jump for a lot of people who are apprehensive about new technology. What’s more important, cloud services are now a must for businesses around the world – and not just an advantage.

Having Big Data Problems? You are not alone.

So what’s the deal with big data? Not too long ago, almost nobody bothered to talk about this topic – it was the exclusive privilege of CIOs and business executives. You’ll be surprised however at how things have changed. Big data is now a challenge for end consumers as well!

3 ways professionals use pCloud for better results

Keeping yourself busy doesn’t always mean kicking your productivity level up as well. If you’re running your own business or are trying to beat project deadlines, you will love what we’ve prepared for you in the following paragraphs. Find out how professionals take advantage of pCloud’s features to get things done the smart way!